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Our spectacles

Artisti di strada spettacolo circondati da sospetti circensi

Circondati da sospetti circensi

NEW PRODUCTION 2015, animated show with street artists and stage machinery, with fast-paced music. Suitable for all audiences.
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Circondati da Sospetti Circensi

Animated show. Parody of the circus of the past. Hilarious gags and twists are take place at a rapid pace.Spectacle of Street Theater
artisti di strada zoe

Zoé - The principle of life

Show of square with teatrical scenic machinery, fireworks and stilts walkers. Suitable for all audiences.
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Zoé - The principle of life

A story of love between Ade and Persefone from which sprang the birth of the seasons. Spectacle of Street Theater
Spettacolo di teatro di strada Storie d'amore e di streghe

Storie d'amore e di streghe

Spectacle at an advanced stage of processing. Production of 2015. While you are reading, it may have been completed ... CALL US FOR INFO
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Storie d'amore e di streghe

Spectacle in advanced stage of processing, available soon.Show of street theater
artisti di strada parata itinerante anni 70

Parata Itinerante Anni '70

Itinerant show with musical moving stage machinery, stilt walkers and actors. Suitable for all audiences.
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Parata itinerante
anni '70

From the wildest notes of Seventies, four stilt walkers will trigger the public with their amazing choreography.Parade with street actors
spettacolo con artisti di strada itinerante Parata White

Parata Itinerante White

Show of street theater with stage machinery that transmits music, suitable for all audiences.
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Parata Itinerante White

A group of angels on stilts, in white tailcoats, roam the streets of the city, accompanied by stage machinery that transmits music.Parade with street artists.
Teatro di strada Parata itinerante csc

Parata Itinerante Circondati da sospetti circensi

Itinerant show with street artists and teatrical scenic machinery, stilts walkers and actors. Suitable for all audiences.
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Parata Itinerante Circondati da sospetti circensi

In the streets and squares of the city,  a varied group of circus-folk emerges.Parade with street actors
Parata itinerante con artisti di strada La Diavolata

Parata Itinerante La Diavolata

Itinerant show of street artists: with devils, zombies or men in tailcoats, with stilts and actors. Suitable for all audiences.
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Parata Itinerante La Diavolata

An event of itinerant theater that appears suddenly to create astonishment, hilarity, confusion, recall. Parade with street actors.
Spettacolo di tetaro ragazzi pulcinella e i consigli di re salomone

Pulcinella e i consigli di Re Salomone

Spectacle of Children's Theatre that includes actors, puppets and dolls and a strong involvement of the public called to decide how to continue the story.
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Pulcinella e i consigli di Re Salomone

Pulcinella offers us a comical and dynamic trip in Umbria, within its history and myths.Children's Theatre
Teatro ragazzi Cappuccetto Rosso

Cappuccetto Rosso

The Wolf is so bad? in this new version of the story known it focuses more on Wolf..
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Cappuccetto Rosso

The Wolf is so bad? in this new version of the story known it focuses more on Wolf..Children's Theatre

Give energy to our shows

The Company of Street Theatre Piccolo Teatro Nuovo, has among its characteristics total autonomy regarding the show itself. Means of transport that serve as dressing rooms and scenographic support, loading and unloading at the location of the spectacle,  assembly, sound and lighting system, story, actors, stilt walkers,  fireworks and fire, today even the “nouveau cirque”. The only thing that we cannot bring with us is the electrical power that must be supplied on site in accordance with the technical details of the show.
spettacoli di teatro di strada
Means of transport
artisti di strada
Loading / Unloading
compagnia teatro di strada
compagnia artisti di strada
trampoli, trampolieri, fuoco, effetti pirotecnici

Compagnia di teatro di strada, artisti di strada e di arti circensi

Piccolo Nuovo Teatro una fucina di formazione per gli artisti di strada

Lavorazione della materia per plasmare, costruire, dare forma a fantasie e sogni che prendono vita nella rappresentazione teatrale e che diventano per forza di cose elementi condivisi di un pensiero, dell’interpretazione di un testo, del sogno di un singolo. Un dono da condividere con il pubblico, quel pubblico che la maggior parte delle volte è casuale, è di passaggio e che fruisce di questo ciba per la mente con avidità perché altrimenti non ne avrebbe avuto l’opportunità o la voglia premeditata di recarsi in luoghi preposti come il teatro.
  •  Alcuni dicono che questo è un pubblico meno colto, noi diciamo che questo è il vero pubblico, quello realmente colto, perché nella sua semplicità non è caricato di sovrastrutture.
  •  Ci piace essere gli interlocutori del popolo, pensare opere per loro e rappresentarle perché ne godano a pieno, nessun palcoscenico o edificio teatrale potrà mai dare le soddisfazioni della rappresentazione in strada, la veridicità e la spontaneità di un pubblico che ti vede perché di passaggio e non convenuto per appuntamento.
  •  Una scuola di vita, una risorsa inimmaginabile e insostituibile. Queste sono le motivazioni e le gratificazioni che spingono qualcuno a scegliere di fare come mestiere l’artista di strada

Gli spettacoli La scuola di circo Contattaci

Theatre Company Piccolo Nuovo Teatro

Performances of street theatre and street performers.

Our work is street theatre, street art, the urban performance, a unique form of entertainment which is expressed in direct contact between artist and audience. It is able to weave around itself an incomparable atmosphere of celebration , suspense, surprise, amazement and joy. Working in the street, among the people, it is a unique exercise and training; it forces you to get involved, to accept compromises and contingencies and to find self-confidence. It's the school of life, an exceptional resource.
To talk of artists and street theatre is to also speak of children and adults who feel the same awe when shown beautifully dexterous exercises, scenes and stunning effects in a street or a square that for a short time becomes a huge, magical stage where the public and artists mingle. This is the deep gratification that pushes a street artist to choose this career.

Compagnia di teatro di strada PNT chi siamo

Who we are

The company, the school of circus, shows.
Compagnia artisti di strada Piccolo Nuovo Teatro

Our Theatre Company Piccolo Nuovo teatro

Copartners and collaborators of the Company Piccolo Nuovo Teatro.
scuola di piccolo circo teatro rataplan

School of Circus Theatre Rataplan

The school of circus, the “big top”, disciplines and the training of young artists.
cinema teatro esperia

The Theatre Esperia

The theater season and all of the various initiatives of the Teatro Esperia.
Visit website
For more information about the performance of street theatre, children's theatre, itinerant parades, or to discuss entertainments for your specific event do not hesitate ... contact us now!!!
storie di streghe teatro di strada

Storie di streghe

Spectacle of street thatre inspired by traditions, symbols, myths and medieval legends...
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Spettacolo di teatro di strada zoe

Zoé - the principle of life

The narrative is relentless, from the story to the stage, where actors burst in on stilts.
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Spettacolo di teatro di strada CSC

Circondati da sospetti circensi

In the streets and squares of the city, a varied group of circus folks approach.
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Parata e spettacolo di teatro di strada CSC

Parata Itinerante CSCircensi

In the streets and squares of the city,  a varied group of circus-folk emerges.
Parade with street actors
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Spettacolo di tetaro di strada e animazione Atmosphere

Parata white with balloons

Itinerant show with final animation launch of the balloons.
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Parata itinerante anni 70 spettacolo di teatro di strada

Parata anni '70

From the wildest notes of Seventies, four stilt walkers will trigger the audience with their fantastic choreography.
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Parata teatro di strada la diavolata

La Diavolata

Devils, zombies or men in tailcoats weave through the street between colored smoke and gunpowder effects, moved by the incessant rhythm of percussion.
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Parata di teatro di strada White

Parata White

A group of angels on stilts, in white tailcoats, roam the streets of the city, accompanied by stage machinery that transmits music.
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Teatro ragazzi Cappuccetto Rosso

Cappuccetto Rosso

The Wolf is so bad? in this new version of the story known it focuses more on Wolf.
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Teatro ragazzi Pulcinella e i consigli di re salomone

Pulcinella e i consigli di Re Salomone

In this show, Pulcinella offers us a comical and dynamic trip in Umbria, within its history and myths.
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Teatro di strada piccolo nuovo teatroScuola circo Rataplan

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Compagnia teatrale Piccolo Nuovo Teatro
Theatre Company of Street Artists,
Via dell'Artigianato, 15
06083 - Bastia Umbra (Pg) Italy

Tel. +39 075 7980672
Fax +39 075 7980673

Email Company - info@piccolonuovoteatro.it
Email Circus School - info@scuolacircorataplan.it
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