

Through this contact form, you can ask questions about the performances of the Company Theatre Piccolo Nuovo Teatro. The enquiry does not presuppose any type of commitment from either the applicant or by the Piccolo Teatro Nuovo.
Detailed discussions between the parties will be required in order to verify an agreement of temporary collaboration.
Below you will find all contact details.
We hope that the pages of the site and the various videos and pictures of our street artists have piqued your curiosity, we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Compagnia Teatrale Piccolo Nuovo Teatro

Compagnia Teatrale
Via Dell'Artigianato, 15
06083 Bastia Umbra (Pg) - Italy
  Telephone: 075 7980672
Fax: 075 7980673

Numero REA: PG-265370
P. IVA 03123460549

Privacy Information
We guarantee that  your personal data will be used  solely to supply information requested by you.
Your data will be treated through informatics systems, in respect of the fundamental rights of the law (D.Lgs. 196/2003).
For further information on the processing of your data and to claim your rights  ascribed to you by article 7 of the Privacy Law Code, you may contact the holder of the treatments: Mrs  Giorgia Ceccarelli.
If you are willing to receive, in the future, at the address indicated by you periodical news concerning our prices and special offers, you must provide a proper authorisation. You will be able in any case to ask for the deletion of your personal data from our data base at any time by asking  the treatment holder.

Contact form – info about spectacles

Fill out this form to request information or quotes. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Fields marked red are required.
I have read the Privacy Policy and I authorize, in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, the processing of my personal data for purposes of sending promotional and administrative communications.

Newsletter subscription

Compagnia teatrale Piccolo Nuovo Teatro
Theatre Company of Street Artists,
Via dell'Artigianato, 15
06083 - Bastia Umbra (Pg) Italy

Tel. +39 075 7980672
Fax +39 075 7980673

Email Company -
Email Circus School -
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